Thursday, September 15, 2011

Words of wisdom (and boredom) about....."FEAR"

                             (means: "F*ck Everything And Run..........JK!)..........'Fear' can be described as 'lack of courage'; which its ironic cuz I heared once that "Courage its not the abscence of 'fear',it is the power to overcome that fear"......confusing,isnt?.......
                              ..........So....wheres that power?. Somewhere inside of you,obviously, because every single human being has it(even the most 'crying lil' pus**es).
                                Personally, there are many thing in life that scare the living sh*t out of me, and sometimes I just dont want to do something because Im terrified of just dealing with circumstances in my life. For example,(believe it or not)I was actually a really shy person-thats why I've created this 'alter-ego', AlexSabelle-so I can speak my mind.....and get away with it!-LOL!.......
                                But, seriously, writing under some other 'identity' has been really helpful for me. Cuz now,Im not THAT shy anymore, but Im taking lil' baby steps to overcome my shyness(...its that even a word?....WTV......)....
                              Ok,"my point is..........?"...That it doesnt matter what you're scared of, you have to face your fears, and try as hard as you can to overcome that fear, cuz otherwise, you will never accomplish anything in life!-harsh, but true!.(Trust me, you will be thankful in the future, si I'll give you a 'futuristic you're welcome'!).
                              So go ahead, START LIVING!. It is ok, even normal to be scared of something(or someone), but having the courage(or the power)to overcome that makes you stronger each day, and maybe someday you'll realize how much of an idiot you were for being such a pus*y!......JK!!!!!!!!!!!.

                                                                        ~ alex.   

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