Thursday, September 15, 2011

Words of wisdom (and boredom) about....."IM SORRY"

                          ..........Those words seem to fixany damage,right?...well...NOT!!!!!!! Because people seem to forget-or they have no idea-what 'im sorry' means. It means,"Hey, I know I f*cked up, but I would NEVER make you go through that sh*it again"........Unfortunately, they say those exact words...but they f*ck everything up AGAIN!(.."hello!, you said NEVER AGAIN,remember?").
                                 Sometimes, we hurt the ones we love the most and say "Im sorry", only to make the same mistake again later on(I've been in that place) because were not perfect-therefore, we make mistakes, but, we cant take advantage of that to play with someone else's feelings. That just makes you look like an a*hole!.
                                But, if you did some terrible damage in someone's heart,my advice: Say the most sincere "Im sorry"-EVER!-and wait, do not expect forgiveness right that second!(Check out my 'words of(...) about "Forgive and forget" for more blablabla on this topic).
                                 However, even when you say "Im sorry" and your behaviour improves, and still that person doesnt want to forgive you........then, you know what?.......MOVE ON!!!! Cuz sometimes we get attached to someone and thats just unhealthy-not only for you-but for those who care about you-cuz they just want to see you happy.
                                So, if its time to 'fix' something(s) in your life.........start by saying "Im sorry" to YOURSELF!.......Yeah, cuz if you dont forgive yourself for-WTV- you have done, do not expect someone else's forgiveness..............

                                                                              ~ alex.

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