Thursday, September 15, 2011

Words of wisdom (and boredom) about....."EMOTIONS".

                             Some people think that the term "Emotions" has something to do with "Feelings"-well, it does not!. Emotions are just the reaction to that specific 'feeling'. Its that lil' voice inside your head asking: "How does this FEELING make me FEEL?".-I know, the dumbest question EVER!. But, if you think about it, it makes sense!.
                              Because the answer to that "DUMB" question-thats the meaning of "Emotions"!.
                             Ok, now lets go a lil' further.........How should we react to these 'Emotions'?...Well, my friend, that depends. Cuz if you are in love with someone(which its a feeling,not an emotion!), well, you feel the urge to be with that person 27/7-Literally attached ti him(her)!.........Now, if you react to that emotion(without thinking about it)-that could lead to: get arrested, being known as a 'pervert'(or a sl*t) for the rest of your life,a restriction order.........or all of the above!.
                              But, on the other hand, if you dont react AT ALL you are going to be remembered as loser, a low-life, a coward, being falsely accused of being 'gay'(or lesbian)..........or all the above!.
                               I know, its a complete mind-f*ck!. But its not that complicated-"Drop that knife, Emo!.I swear it its not! my advice: It is all about a key word: BALANCE...Because, like I mentioned on 'words of(...)about "feelings"...every emotion-taken to the extremes=CHAOS!..........You just have to find a 'happy medium'.....ok,how?......lets say you obviously cant be with that person 24/7,but you still want to let him(her) now how you feel. Use  your imagination: whether its a letter,a song, a poem-or a Facebook post(which its kinda cheap-and overrated but WTV....); the thing is letting that person know that he(she) means a lot to you.("no,he/she doesnt mean EVERYTHING to you, dont say that!. You're obviously lying cuz you love your mom,right?...or your cat?, dont take it to the EXTREME,ok?"). And, once you do that, you would be proud of yourself for keeping your emotions under control.
                             And, before you ask,the same advice goes to the opposite feeling "HATE"-just dont even let it evoque an emotion on you-why?...Cuz its not worth it. That idiot who made your life a living hell is happy doing whatever with whoever,so, let it be...and "MOVE ON!"....I know its not easy AT ALL(trust me I know!) but its not impossible either. Show that S-O-B who's the bigger person and be happy......God bless................

                                                                                             ~ alex.

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