Have you ever felt soooo much pain that you wish you had no feelings at all, so that way no one can hurt you?. I have. So, here's an advice based on my own experience: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!.
Know why?...Because the only thing worse than feeling pain is feeling NOTHING AT ALL!. Yeah, I know, it doesnt make sense but, trust me,I mean it......... 'cuz at least when you have your "sour moments", those feelings make you realize that you're still alive.....so deep inside(VERY VERY deep inside sometimes) there's a lil' hope hidden somewhere. But, when you feel nothing, not even pain-nor remorse-then you ARE NOT HUMAN!!!!!!!! Period!!!!!.......... 'cuz having this "Emotional roller coaster"......thats part of being humans. We are not perfect, but sometimes,we think we are, we try to play God....and you know what happens to the first idiot that attempted that, right?..........yeap, he screwed himself over and you know how the story ended up for him, right?.
So, go ahead, FEEL!. Ok, I know exactly what you're thinking, ''what a insensitive bi***!'''..........But, I know how it feels, that fire burning inside of you, so hurtful you rather be dead!. But, like I mentioned before-it comes with the whole package of being package of being ''human''-so,you just have to deal with it, pray for strenght, and move on.
.....And, you know why?............ 'çuz its okay to feel pain, sadness-even pessimism-sometimes, the only thing you have to keep in mind is that you cant let those feelings take control over you. Thats the secret...plain & simple(...and the same goes to be always extremely cheerful and ''ÝAY!''-dude, thats annoying!, take it down a notch,ok?)-anyways...my point is, that every emotion, taken to the extremes=CHAOS!-Got it?....I hope so, cuz otherwise(if you end up being numb) you are going to be like a living dead,a zombie-and its not as cool as it sounds-not only you are going to be numb to all of the pain and suffering in your life, you are going to be numb to all of those beautiful, satisfying feelings as well. You're going to have that-''I dont give a fu**!''-attitude, and not only that, youre going to end up dying alone...cuz lets be honest, who wants to spend time with such a loser?. I know I dont, thats why, whenever I feel like theres no escape, I write all my sh** down, since thats one of my talents(and yes, you have one also)......just do whatever makes you happy at that specific moment(keep your mind busy!). That way, that major douche who tried to play God(I mentioned 'it' before) cant fool with your mind, cuz youre keeping it busy with positive stuff(...remember,POSITIVE STUFF...if that means 'álcohol, drugs,or porn' for you...then he fu**** up with your mind already.....so, NO!).
Im not saying that you can always have control over your emotions(I know I cant, but I got help and thankfully Im stable at least)-the thing is, whenever you feel like you cant handle the situation on your own(even when youre not alone cuz God''s always with you), you have to get help, its okay to get help,you are not perfect......so......learn how to deal with the fact that you are just a human,give up on perfection, and move on!....
(P.S. This statements are part of a HUGE lesson that the author-a.k.a. me-learned,the hard way of course, since Im a stubborn bi***!!!!!!!. So,kids, do not try this at home!.....God bless!!!!).
~ alex.
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