Thursday, September 15, 2011

Words of wisdom (and boredom) about....."REVENGE".

                                    Some people say that "Revenge its a dish thats better served cold"...Now the thing is if this 'dish' its even worth to be 'served'-or not. Should you fight 'fire with fire' or just 'kill (...) with kindness'?. Wao, though one, huh?.
                                  Well, in my "unofficial and unauthorized" opinion.........well, that depends. Cuz there are some things that are just sooo meaningless and ridiculous that its not even worth your time. But, there are other situations(some of them have a Full Name) than just hearing about 'it' makes your heart beat so fast you feel it down to your...feet!.
                                  There are even situations in which you have been so humiliated, kicked, punched, left-out, turned down( get my point)-that you just want that 'S-O-B's' head on a silver plate!!!!!!!(*deep breath*). But thats the moment when you need to sit, try to relax and think about if its worth it or not. Cuz if you're thinking about that bi*** who "stole" your boyfriend(or that a*hole who "stole" your girlfriend)- NEWSFLASH!: Nobody steals Nobody!. He(she) left by himself(or herself)-yeah!-you're welcome!.
                                 Sorry, but thats the harsh truth.So, drop that knife and let life takes its natural course. Remember "what goes around, comes around"; trust me, it does....Of course, you will always have that bitter aftertaste just because you didnt got your hands dirty(but sometimes, you just have to deal with the fact that its not worth it!).
                                 Still, there is another example where I DO SUPPORT REVENGE: Lets say you're not the 'prototypical cheerleader-or jock' at high school and you have been victim of 'bullying'. Now, in this case, you know what they say: "Desperate times call for desperate measures": And, in this particular case, you have 3 'partners in crime': Photoshop, a Printer and Your School Walls-yep!. Exactly!- You're welcome. (Dont worry, your secret its safe with me....."buahahaha-LOL!".
                              ............Now, dont blame me if they throw you into a dumpster-all in the name of 'revenge'-but hey, at least you had your 5 minutes of-"yeah, take that you douche!!!!". Those 5 minutes are the equivalent to 5 years in "nerd time", so be graateful that you're going to be EPIC!. (Yeap, just like the "Luke, I am your father" scene on Star Wars).
                                         So, maybe your revenge came back to bit you in the a*s, but at least you took one for all of us geeks and outcasts inside this 'plastic universe'; so, "may the force be with you"...I mean, thanks!".

                                                                               ~ alex.

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